Thursday, August 11, 2005

Grow Younger

I came to this country about 9 years ago for my higher studies
along with several of my undergraduate collegemates.

Back home, We did a lot of things together,
watched the same movies, talked the same talk, wore the same style of clothes,
ate the same type of food,read the same type of books, cracked the same type of jokes, you know what I mean. I guess that's why we got along
pretty well.

Now We have a Yahoo groups where we share what's happening in our lives.
Observing some of the comments posted there and observing some of my friends
where I live currently who have come from a similar background
as me and my friends, I can see that they derive their pleasure from doing the exact
same things that they did 10 years ago. Nostalgia, habit, whatever it is, they find comfort in them.

Something doesn't feel right. Now, what's wrong with that? I ask myself.

First, I feel you are not giving yourself a chance to explore new things, let new thoughts come into your life which is the foundation of one's growth.

New thoughts, doing new things lead to new experiences which IS growth.

Second, if you don't grow,
you will start feeling old and vulnerable as you are not keeping up with the change of your inner self. Those rituals that we find comfort and security in, shield us from the internal change and shifts we're constantly undergoing.

I have experienced the converse of the second effect in my own life. My reading habits,eating habits, thinking habits have changed in the past few years and I am better for it.

I feel young and 21 and now I know why and I also know why my fellow peers sometimes feel old and
find life, well, lifeless. So there's the secret to eternal youth.

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