Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Christopher Reeve's life

My wife and I were watching the special on Reeve last night on ABC and she made an interesting comment.
She said, If I was paralysed like he was, I wouldn't want to live. It would be a burden on the ones around me.
Infact, later in the program, Reeve acknowledged that he had the same feeling for a while after the accident.
My wife also wondered, What use is one's life after such a debilitating accident...

A few things that I shared with her with Reeve's life as the backdrop.

First, we, the human beings, have to remember that we are NOT here to pursue our personal agenda in this life.
We are all here to fulfill the unique purpose that God has handed over to each of us. Quite often, we ignore this divine purpose for our lives and get caught up with our egos and decide to pursue our personal agenda that are primarily materialistic. And when accidents or any undesirable incidents happen in our lives that are disruptive to our egoistic agenda, we feel disappointed, frustrated, dejected, desperate, sad, suicidal etc .

On the other hand, if we view this life of ours as an instrument to accomplish God's mission, then every challenge that comes our way will be easy to understand.
Now one may wonder, How can I accomplish God's mission or for that matter any mission at all, if I am paralysed.

Well, Christopher Reeve is a perfect example.

During his last few years, he certainly was not living life like most of the world does, going to work, make money, going on vacations, partying and so on, YET, honestly, he wouldn't have accomplished as much as he has today
if not for the debilitating paralysis. If his life had continued to be the way it was before the accident, he wouldn't have been able to inspire millions around the world with paralysis, inspire and fund research organizations etc. These acts
will have a profound impact for decades to come and that's what God's mission was for him. And he executed it perfectly.

His life should be a reminder to all of us to dump our ego's desires and pursue our true mission in this life.

A wise man once noted, when God does one thing, he accomplishes several things out of it.

Aside from what Reeve offered to this world after he got paralysed, his soul had something to gain from this experience too .
He could not have experienced true, unconditional love which he got from his family especially from his wife
if he hadn't gotten into the paralysed state, perhaps.

Christopher Reeve lived his life exactly as he was supposed to - Just look at the help and inspiration he has given to the people around the world.

Richard Bach said,
"Here's a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished;
If you're alive, it isn't."

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